Game Changers High Impact Projects

Changing the Game one Impact Project at a time

Change, Inspire, Enable and Unlock

Our Non-Profit

Our Non-Profit is dedicated to lead a shift in mindset and attitudes within our communities, particularly among the youth. Our mission is to ignite inspiration through innovative youth development initiatives, empowering them to become self-sustainable leaders equipped with the necessary tools to lead both themselves and others.

Central to our efforts is unlocking resources that connect youth to job markets, educational support, and apprenticeship opportunities.

Feed for Change

Our feed for change project aims to help alleviate hunger by cooking and delivering meals and food packages to children and elderly specifically in underprivileged communities

How do we do it:

Our team dedicates a day each month to cook and distribute +-500 meals to those in need.

Whenever possible, we make efforts to support Early Childhood Development Centres and Old Age homes.

In the pics shared: We had various soup drives and feed for change projects across the communities in the Cape Flats area.

Lead for Change

Our Lead for Change project is a youth leadership program tailored for individuals between the ages of 13 and 18 years. The program is crafted to empower participants with tools and skills to foster self-confidence and strive towards their dreams and aspirations.

This year we hosted our first cohort of 30 youth from the underprivileged communities. The program was covered over 3 months.

The Lead for Change Program

The Lead for Change program is designed to explore essential topics that shape the identity and future of our youth. Each session is crafted to engage participants in meaningful discussions and activities. Here’s a glimpse of what we cover:

  • Who Am I: This session encourages self-discovery and helps participants understand their unique identities and strengths.
  • Importance of a Positive Mindset: We teach the value of maintaining a positive outlook, even in the face of adversity, which is crucial for personal growth and resilience.
  • Mental Health Awareness: Addressing mental health is vital. We provide tools and resources to help young people manage their mental well-being effectively.
  • Basic First Aid: Practical skills like first aid empower youth to take care of themselves and others, fostering a sense of responsibility and community care.
  • Leadership within My School and Community: This segment encourages participants to step into leadership roles, promoting active citizenship and community involvement.

The Cape Town Wonder Experience

As a highlight of our program, we conclude with the Cape Town Wonder experience, where participants visit Table Mountain, one of the Seven Wonders of the World. For many of our youth, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. The experience not only allows them to explore a breathtaking landmark but also instils a sense of pride and belonging. It serves as a powerful reminder of what they can achieve and the beauty that exists beyond their immediate surroundings.

The most rewarding aspect of our work is witnessing the transformation in our participants. Many share how the program has changed their perspectives, built their confidence, and inspired them to pursue their dreams. These stories are a testament to the importance of investing in our youth.

At Game Changers SA , we are committed to creating a brighter future for disadvantaged communities through youth empowerment. By fostering leadership, resilience, and community engagement, we are not just changing lives; we are building a better tomorrow. Join us in this mission, and together, we can make a significant difference.

learn for Change

The primary goal of our Learn for Change project is to reduce the school drop out rates and get learners more engaged in school leadership and self development.  

We partner with schools in offering various workshops to support and assist student leaders to further develop themselves and leadership aswell as lead other.  

Our child and youth care worker also assist with counselling on learner behavioural issues  which supports the school with achieving their goals.  

In the pics , we partnered with Kraaifontein High School in Cape Town.  

A few weeks ago, we proudly concluded our Power of Impact program at Kraaifontein High School, part of our Learn for Change initiative. This 3-month journey was an incredible opportunity to empower the Glow Club and School Prefects with essential skills in Basic Project Management and Fundraising. The students showed remarkable growth and engagement, embracing the tools and strategies needed to bring their future projects to life. 
To wrap up the program, we were honoured to have Liezel Snyman from the Beautifully Flawed Foundation lead a powerful session titled “A Letter to My Future Self” and “Finding My North Star.” Her focus on the importance of self-reflection as a tool for setting and achieving life goals deeply resonated with the students, leaving them inspired to pursue their dreams with clarity and purpose. 
We extend our heartfelt gratitude to the management team at Kraaifontein High School for partnering with us and providing the space to work with such bright young minds. Special thanks to the social worker, Ms. Bonani, and the head of the Glow Club, Ms. Winnaar, for their unwavering commitment and support throughout the program. Together, we are shaping the leaders of tomorrow. 

Ways to Contribute


Donate Money

Make a one-time donation by referring to the banking details below. Support us continuously by setting up a monthly recurring donation.


Donate Time

Offer your time and skills as a volunteer to assist with our projects and events, making a valuable difference.



Contribute goods or services that could benefit our cause; reach out to discover our current needs.


Get Involved

Get involved in our fundraising events or campaigns to make a meaningful impact in our community.



Help us expand our reach by sharing information about our organisation on social media. 

Game Changers Banking Details

Bank Name: First National Bank 

Bank Account Name: Game Changers 

Branch Code: 250655 

Bank Account Number: 62896518762

Impact Projects


Feed For Change

Once a month our team of volunteers cook a hearty meal to distribute in our disadvantaged communities. 

We have distributed over 45 000 meals since 2021


Lead for Change

Our “Lead for Change” initiative is a 3-month youth leadership program tailored for individuals between the ages of 13 and 18. The program is crafted to empower participants by fostering confidence and motivation for self-leading and leading others.


Learn for Change

Under the Learn for Change umbrella, we have our #GC Care program, providing child and youth counselling services to schools. The primary goal of this program is to decrease school dropout rates.

Our Impact Areas

Our projects and programs are aimed at communities where unemployment levels are high and  where social ills plagues into the livelihoods of the youth. We are intentional in driving change with the overarching themes of Impact in the following areas , Lavender Hill, Village Heights , St Montague Village.

Our aim is to further impact and drive positive change in even more communities

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LAVENDER HILL Community Violence

These are areas organisations are reluctant to operate in due to high crime levels and gangsterism

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VILLAGE HEIGHTS Community Dynamics

The unemployment rates are high above 70%, food insecurity in these areas are significantly higher, and there is a need for change

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ST MONTAGE VILLAGE Community Outreach

These are communities where most of our Exec team and volunteers reside. There is a great passion to drive change. 

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